Tag Archives: google

Google to target Payday Loans in the UK

TweetThe new penguin update 2.0 OR #4 is coming in the next few weeks and Matt Cutts of google’s spam team (search quality) have realised a video yesterday about up and coming updates including the awaited penguin 2.0 or #4 … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google news, matt cutts, serp updates, serps, UK | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

google Keyword (not provided) UK update

TweetSadly google yesterday “started” rolling out it’s switch to https, the ssl search which does not pass the keyword data from the search results to your server. Over 120% increase in  Keyword (not provided)  from my UK traffic See this blog … Continue reading

Posted in google, UK | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

The sexy “Visitors Flow” comes to Google Analytics

TweetStunning from google… Simply stunning.. Google have updated the new Analytics with visitors flow which a visualises the flow on your site.. Below is a little sample on one of my sites. The options are the same as all new … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Google Analytics visitor bug for single day view

TweetUsing google Analytics  “new” interface on a single day view I have a massive bug regarding “Visits” vs “Unique Visitors” I really can’t work out the numbers google is using?  Feel free to comment but this seems to be a “view … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Google webmaster tools UI update.

TweetGoogle have updated the UI of the front dashboard page in webmaster tools . Here is a screen shot: The really interesting thing is the “Sort: By site health” ??? interesting use of the word health…. Also google are showing … Continue reading

Posted in google, google sitemaps / webmaster tools, google UI tests | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Image heavy web sites and statistical analysis on CTR

TweetI thought this may interest any website owners and seo’s out and about.. I run a sort of social network of products of which members submit and vote, you know sort of like digg.. On this site you can’t submit … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google images, internet trends, keywords | Tagged , , , | 5 Comments

Could this be the end of UK serps

TweetI’m not alone in moaning about the uk serps Take a look at a few of these posts http://www.seroundtable.com/archives/020175.html and http://www.ppcblog.co.uk/google/big-geo-problems-still-exist-in-google-uk-serps plus many others.. Well.. Just now google have changed the UI on google.co.uk serps … WARNING THIS IS NOT … Continue reading

Posted in google, google UI tests, UK | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

beta adwords interface warning.

TweetI started using the beta interface for google adwords on the 14th Feb 2009.. Still 50/50 if I like it or not.. some good bits some bad as always… Anyway.. Over the weekend I logged in and got a warning … Continue reading

Posted in Google Adwords, google UI tests | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Google hates Wales (not the mammals)

TweetOk haven’t blogged for an age here… So now that I have a tiny amount of time I thought I’d blog a little now and again.. So google hates Wales… Well i’ve been away snowboarding for a week as per … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google Adwords, UK | Tagged , , | 4 Comments

florence nightingale’s birthday

TweetToday in 1920 Florence nightingale was born! Today in 2008 google.co.uk give respest to her on the google.co.uk homepage with a new google logo link to http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=florence+nightingale%27s+birthday&hl=en With the query “florence nightingale’s birthday” This isn’t showing on the google.com homepage … Continue reading

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