Category: Google news
Google to target Payday Loans in the UK
The new penguin update 2.0 OR #4 is coming in the next few weeks and Matt Cutts of google’s spam team (search quality) have realised a video yesterday about up and coming updates including the awaited penguin 2.0 or #4 Check out the post over at seroundtable here for more discussion. Here is the video: What’s…
Top google news search in your lounge
This is one odd idea… Basically the top google keyword news trends have been prints on to cushions … Why ? hmmm.. don’t know.. fantastic and alarming at the same time! The top 10 google searches of 2006 each cushion is signed and numbered from an edition of 250 Â Â Wonder who would buy…
Google gadgets
I’ve posted about google’s gadgets before.. And it back.. so if your a student and live in the US then you can enter your google home page / google desktop gadgets .. Good luck.  About the awards:  Blog post from google:  Â
Google Calender on the homepage.
I guess that google after more and more info on what people are doing day by day.. Â Scary stuff. 😉 Its is a very cool system imho.. But then.. letting big g know when and what i’m doing.. Plus bussiness meetings hmmm .. So many seo are to scared to even have google toolbar…
Banned books ooooo… Freedom – Freedom..
A week Of freedom reading!!   From google banned books.. : To Kill a Mockingbird. Of Mice and Men. The Great Gatsby. 1984. It’s hard to imagine a world without these extraordinary literary classics, but every year there are hundreds of attempts to remove great books from libraries and schools. In fact, according to…
Google on the bbc this morning “google news archive live”
 So now you can search old google news articles not just current.. Its pretty cool, haven’t found a reason to use it, plus the search is a bit odd imho.. If I need some “old” news I think this would be an amazing tool..  More info google here
Related links from google, but no $
I can’t remeber when google released Related links to the public but I remeber the buzz in the forum saying “It doesn’t pay”.. From google: Google Related Links use the power of Google to automatically bring fresh, dynamic and interesting content links to any website. Webmasters can place these units on their site to…
Adwords on your mobile!
You can now login into your adwords account and try the mobile ads out.. From Google: What do mobile ads look like? Mobile ads contain two lines of text, with a limit of 12 or 18 characters per line, depending on the language in which you write your ad. Your Destination URL appears on a…
Digg gadget came top!
 Called the diGGGadget, A google desktop “helper” know as a “google desktop gadget” wins some $ for adding/intergrating digg on your desktop..  Well done “Marius and Yannick Stucki ”  2nd place – Multiplayer Reversi Game by Turhan Aydin – Immerse yourself in the fun game Reversi with this visually rich gadget. Not…
Click to call in the uk ..
This is my first spotting of a click to call.. I’d be really be interested in adding this feature to some of my clients sites as people love to talk to a human and be guided on using sites to purchase expensive items e.g. £2,000+  Came accross this from a post by…