Month: March 2008
Earth Hour on Google.
Google have just switched the lights off in the uk..  Google full blackout.. Great fun but of course its all about raising awearness of worldwide energy conservation effort.. For more info see Visit uk google here:  Here’s a screen shot!
Digg double index.
This week I’ve seen some talk about people linking to IP’s .. Now it used to be far more common, but now domain is king.. Regarding seo, ip’s are a nightmare.. SER had a post about it here: Anyway.. Every day I seem to see a ip index for something or other, normally long…
bigsnapsearch mentioned on virgin radio all day!
Now I don’t listen much to the radio but in the morning whilst having a show it good to have a few tunes in the background and hear the latest news and what issues London is having with the transport system.. Here is my radio .. pretty cool.. Anyway back to the point… Between each…