Tag Archives: UK

Google to target Payday Loans in the UK

TweetThe new penguin update 2.0 OR #4 is coming in the next few weeks and Matt Cutts of google’s spam team (search quality) have realised a video yesterday about up and coming updates including the awaited penguin 2.0 or #4 … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google news, matt cutts, serp updates, serps, UK | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

UK Traffic trends for December 2009

TweetI spend my sad life getting traffic to sites mainly in the UK and monitoring them like a hawk… This is post is nothing to do with conversions as I’d need pages and pages to explian my thought process with … Continue reading

Posted in internet trends, UK | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

google shopping geo out on mobiles

TweetSo last night I was surfing around on the Iphone looking for a new SLR digi camera. I went to google shopping (base) to have a looky… So what was wrong? I was on google.co.uk and the prices all came … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, Google Mobile, UK | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Music back on Youtube uk

TweetPRS http://www.prsformusic.com and youtube have stuck a deal at last.. Each time you watch a music video on youtube in the uk the artist will now get some £ from youtube. In march 2009 youtube in the uk took off … Continue reading

Posted in google, UK, youtube | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Could this be the end of UK serps

TweetI’m not alone in moaning about the uk serps Take a look at a few of these posts http://www.seroundtable.com/archives/020175.html and http://www.ppcblog.co.uk/google/big-geo-problems-still-exist-in-google-uk-serps plus many others.. Well.. Just now google have changed the UI on google.co.uk serps … WARNING THIS IS NOT … Continue reading

Posted in google, google UI tests, UK | Tagged , , , , , | 13 Comments

Google pushing chrome on UK IE users!!

TweetWow.. Google not just adding a little link to chrome at the bottom but a massive graphic at the top of the page… Crazy…. Check out the screen shot or visit google.co.uk

Posted in google chrome, UK | Tagged , | 7 Comments

florence nightingale’s birthday

TweetToday in 1920 Florence nightingale was born! Today in 2008 google.co.uk give respest to her on the google.co.uk homepage with a new google logo link to http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=florence+nightingale%27s+birthday&hl=en With the query “florence nightingale’s birthday” This isn’t showing on the google.com homepage … Continue reading

Posted in google, UK | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

google.co.uk push igoogle with artist Jeff Koons theme.

TweetOn the uk homepage of google today we have a funky logo from the artist Jeff koons promoting the igoogle theme homepage on the uk public. Who is jeff Koons? American artist Jeff Koons burst onto the international art scene … Continue reading

Posted in google, UK N/A :( | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Google – about to overtake ITV in the UK

TweetGoogle uk is just about to overtake ITV for the amount of cash made from advertising.. In the first 3 months of this year google has made$803 million( about £407m)a massive 40% up on a year ago. Hitwise reports some … Continue reading

Posted in bbc, google, Google Adwords, UK | Tagged , , | Leave a comment