florence nightingale’s birthday

Today in 1920 Florence nightingale was born!

Today in 2008 google.co.uk give respest to her on the google.co.uk homepage with a new google logo link to http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=florence+nightingale%27s+birthday&hl=en

With the query “florence nightingale’s birthday”

This isn’t showing on the google.com homepage for me “yet” .. UK thing 🙂

Here is the logo:

florence nightingale's birthday


Here is a bit of info about who she was and what she did.. taken from : http://www.netwrx1.com/CherryAmes/nightingale.html

  • Florence Nightingale studied nursing in Alexandria, Egypt, and at the Institute for Protestant Deaconesses in Kaiserswerth, Germany.
  • She became superintendent of London’s Hospital for Invalid Gentlewomen in 1850.
  • She went to Scutari with thirty-eight nurses early in the Crimean War to direct nursing operations; her efforts resulted in greatly reducing mortality rates among the sick and wounded.
  • She founded the Nightingale School and Home for Nurses at St. Thomas Hospital in London in 1860, marking the beginning of professional nursing education.
  • In 1907, she received the British Order of Merit; she was the first woman to be so honored.
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