Month: March 2007

  • Auto filling the search box “The Apprentice BBC”

    Never seen msn auto filling the search box but i’m seeing it now!  The search is for the “The Apprentice BBC” which starts tonight .. The search term is bad imho..  Anyway here is a screen shot..  Maybe one day msn will auto fill with “seohome” ?

  • Your PC got the BLUES ?

    Nop..  Mine seems fine..  But google isn’t sure..  Never new this :    Google Pack includes a special edition of Norton Security Scan to help you evaluate your computer’s vulnerability to security risks.   Â

  • MSN (live) link command return a blank page!

    The link command on msn is like one of the best things EVER lol.. Its a big big help for use looking at others backlinks.. So today I was have a look and found nothing but a blank page.. I’m 100% not the first to see this its old news but when ” I “Â…

  • Lock ness monster on googles home page!

    Its true… !!!! Its real…. !!! Google show us proof and allows you to put this on the header of your “Personalised Home”   See it first here!   More about it from here

  • Google check refferal button added..

    Â Â Pointed out at seroundtable.. The new refferal button for google checkout has now been added..! You not going to make much from this @ $1 a pop hmm.. If your from the UK then forget it for now.. Its not in my account 🙁 More info here:

  • Pay per action is here!

    Google is now letting advertisers sign up for “pay per action” ..  Basically a affiliate network… Looking forward to this…. (waited all day to have 2mins to post this ahhh)  All the info here.. So give it a go 😀

  • Google themes are here.. And its snowing in london..

    Yet another .com google new fun thingy that us in the UK CAN’T HAVE 🙁  hmmmmmm…. Anyway its very cool imho .. I’m sure I’m not going to use it other than for this screen shot but hey.. Why not.. So heres mine.. Its snowing right now in london so perfect!   Again…

  • Starbucks costs me 29,250 visitors a YEAR!

      Afer reading this Cartoonbarry post here about the FREE coffee at starbucks today I was AGAIN upset by the fact that it was only in the USA..  Hmmm So I thought i’d did my Oar… Due to buying coffee @ starbucks over the last year I have lost out on 29,250 visitor…

  • New google logo on adsense

    Google is testing out new logo on the adsense blocks.. Â I’m sure you will of read about this on loads of blogs but I don’t tend to post UNTIL I see it with my own eyes.. So here my screen shot.. Â I saw this just now over @ I was reading the…

  • Google shopping icon 1st i’ve seen in the UK

    I’ve seen many a screen shot from people in the US but now this is the first time in the uk Adsense icon’s for the UK 🙂 Â Â Sadly I can’t see the site in question as number url is under the ad 🙁 Â Here is a screen shoty :