Category: Google checkout

  • No more ebay on adwords

    This is one crazy story over @ thread watch.. and WMW googles checkout party here:  Has been canceled! Google was to promote google checkout at eBay live conference… EBay has pulled all of its paid search ads from Google AdWords network in the U.S in an eyebrow-raising move likely to be interpreted in…

  • Checkout the uk! At last!!

    Cool its great news.. (a week old I know, still catching up on mi blogging here)  I’m working on a site that going to use google check so I’ll be blogging some feedback… I still spend a hour or two a day messing with my paypal subscriptions.. Gonna be good to compare..  …

  • Google check refferal button added..

    Â Â Pointed out at seroundtable.. The new refferal button for google checkout has now been added..! You not going to make much from this @ $1 a pop hmm.. If your from the UK then forget it for now.. Its not in my account 🙁 More info here:

  • Google shopping icon 1st i’ve seen in the UK

    I’ve seen many a screen shot from people in the US but now this is the first time in the uk Adsense icon’s for the UK 🙂 Â Â Sadly I can’t see the site in question as number url is under the ad 🙁 Â Here is a screen shoty :

  • Free checkout for the holiday from Google!

    Â Google is trying to push the checkout.. I’ve only veiwed the demo and read a fair bit about it.. But haven’t used it as yet.. I’m looking to use it in the not to distant furture but here and now google is offering FREE transactions.. The thing about this is it would be free…