Month: November 2006

  • calm down calm down! Its only google earth..

     Scouse’s hate google earth… Or does google has Scousers  Jenny Douglas, planning director of Liverpool Vision, explained: “The current Google Earth images show roofing work still under way at Lime Street train station. This work took place between 2000 and 2001, which means the Google Earth images are at least five years old.…

  • Google is run by Dogs !

    Its a amazing a blog from …. You guessed it a DOG!!! Google dogs blog.. What do dogs get paid in ? Unlike some others, I may be a small dog, but size is just a state of mind: My Google job is as important as anyone else’s. After my morning nap at the office,…

  • Long description looping on google! What a Mess..

    Just checked out a fun site I play around with.. Using the site: command I listed all the url’s to see if the site had popped out of the sup’s (supplement results baggers 😉 ) And today I found a MASSIVE description .. Google is looping like crazy.. 10 times google loops 2 parts of…

  • New google serps layout.. map included!

    Today i’ve come accross loads of serps with map for US companies just under the description.. a google + sign just like the one in webmaster tools expands when pressed to show the location of the company with the address and phone number to the right of the map when its expanded.. Â Here the…

  • Breaking news! EU stop the uk from buying cheaper alcohol and tobacco.

    Big hit to european non uk websites! European Union judges are to deliver a ruling in a case that could change the way shoppers buy alcohol and tobacco.  Due to a higher tax rate on Alcohol and Tabacco in the uk we have adopted booze curises in which you jump in your car and…

  • $500 + google shock

    Google has now made it past the $500 mark..  Many forums had much speculation about if this would ever happen..  Reuters  Many blogs and forums Just starting to chat about this!!  More links to come.. 😀

  • Yahoo time capsule is full of ummm stuff

    Â From a female in her teens in Tampa, United States I got betrayed by my first love… why … Â Odd stuff I tell you… Maybe digging a hole in the ground might be better ? Some great advice : Posted by allison on Fri Nov 17 15:45:33 2006some times what you think is…

  • Compliance manager for YPN

     Over at ypn the guys at yahoo have added a new feature called the compliance manager.. This feature helps you pinpoint problems with the implementation of your Yahoo! ads, or problems with content on the same page as your Yahoo! ads, so that you can correct them—and keep the ads flowing.   This…

  • The best search engine vs the worst. Public opinions

    A bit of fun here.. I just read a programers blog who’d search the “php sucks” etc.. and found how many results had related as a public opinion.. This is just for fun and course is mainly forums.. so here we go google is the worst search engine returned 33 Yahoo is the worst search…

  • Buying links TLA’s @ pubcon

    Chrisboggs has write up “buying links” session held @ pubcon.. The info about what has been said has been talk about and agreed for while on many forums.. Some points from the main article are if you are going buy link buy quality one from high traffic and not footer links.. Content link (within the…