calm down calm down! Its only google earth..


Scouse’s hate google earth… Or does google has Scousers


Jenny Douglas, planning director of Liverpool Vision, explained: “The current Google Earth images show roofing work still under way at Lime Street train station. This work took place between 2000 and 2001, which means the Google Earth images are at least five years old.

“The city centre has changed dramatically since then. It is important that the millions of people using Google Earth have access to the latest images showing the city’s transformation.”

To add insult to injury, London’s new Wembley Stadium is already available for the Google Earth Community’s viewing pleasure, of which a Google Earth spokeswoman said: “We want to give the best service we can, and it would be wrong to delay updating the London images just because we can’t do that yet for other cities.”


What a story… 😀

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