Category Archives: google page rank

3rd PR update this month 27th October 2007

TweetThis is crazy.. Â I’m liking some results and not others as always…Â This blog has some how gone down lol… must be all those SERT links hehehe… Â I’m very happy with 2 new PR6 sites hehehehehe 🙂 Â … Continue reading

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100% pixels.. 100% green..

TweetHave you had a slap from google..?? Lost that green google dust? Well.. I have some green pixels.. 100% pixels.. 100% green … I only have 10,000 so you better be quick… Here is it:   Each pixel that … Continue reading

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Non homepage link sales get under the radar. (so far)

TweetMany many big and small sites have lost massive amount of green juice (PR) today and it would seem that a common factor is that each site sells / looks like it sells links… One that hasn’t been effected is … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank, Links - buying/selling | Leave a comment

Page rank update

TweetSo i’ve been away and what happens.. Yep a PR update.. This one is a funny one hehehe.. I’ve only been catching up for half a day but so far i’ve only really seen drops in pr of sites I … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank | 2 Comments

Google Directory PR movement

TweetOdd page rank update on google’s dmoz directory import after the import of august 20th 2007… One thing that made me notice was the jump in the number of sites with the green bar removed. One of my sites (my … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank | 2 Comments

July 2007 PR update

TweetGetting a load of hits for the above keyword.. So its would seem its time to post about the July 2007 PR update.. So when did it happen… LOL Not yet.. The amount of buzz over it dp makes me … Continue reading

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Grey PR on all new pages even after being indexed..

Tweet Yesterday I posted about the grey bar for new page in which my meaning of new was unindexed pages.. OK .. My thinking was the fact once indexed the page will go to pr0 fine.. So today i’ve … Continue reading

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Grey bar for new pages.

TweetToolbar Page rank has gone grey this morning for non indexed pages.. Â First spotted this on forum “new” link which on vbulletin forum return a search id and listed the latest forum post.. The page isn’t index by google … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank | 1 Comment

PR Updated Sunday 29th April 2007

Tweet  Its the first of May 2007 and the PR seems to of update… So the buzz was right as always 😉  So.. Not to happy with this update imho.. Most old sites have droped 1/2 and … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank, matt cutts | Leave a comment

Is PR about to update?

TweetThe buzz on the forum is a bit crazy again about if the pr is about to update.. Over on DP in the google forumÂ 8 posts on the first page are asking when will it happen with most … Continue reading

Posted in google, google page rank | 1 Comment