Odd page rank update on google’s dmoz directory import after the import of august 20th 2007…
One thing that made me notice was the jump in the number of sites with the green bar removed.
One of my sites (my parents) got banned last year for some bad coding from 5yrs ago (same colour background as font) and re-included and now has no pr in the directory but still ranks and well along with pr on the toolbar. Looking at some competitors their sites have lost pr too so what have these sites been up too?
Here is a screen shot of today’s and September the 2nd cache of the same page showing pr movement.
2nd of september’s cache screen shot:
Your need to be quick as this page is likely to be indexed say from forum discussions links.
Here if 1 link before the said link..
Then click theatre and veiw the google cache…
So was this just a delay on the import or a 2nd update?
I didn’t follow the first update so who knows?
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