Page rank update

So i’ve been away and what happens.. Yep a PR update..

This one is a funny one hehehe..

I’ve only been catching up for half a day but so far i’ve only really seen drops in pr of sites I visit…

wmw has this thread about the drops..

Danny’s post here about if you sell links then you might drop 1 point in pr like many sites have..

Sert has drop one to a pr6 with barry’s person blog also on a 6 hehehe now that’s crazy lol…

More here:

With loads of stuff on dp lol..


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  • Derlierprossy

    Just because a page has a Toolbar grey bar does not mean a page
    has no real pagerank – it can mean that of course, but it can mean
    other things. I’ve theorised Toolbar Grey Pages do not pass pagerank to
    external sites, and may be an indication Google has an issue with the page.

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