Category Archives: Google base

Goodbye google shopping

TweetAll good things have to come to end 🙁 Google shopping will no longer be free in the UK and other countries just like in the USA last year… We all knew this was coming but was hoping the free listing … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, google products, UK | Leave a comment

Missing Unique Product Identifiers Effects on google shopping

TweetI love being an seo and I do love how different all my clients are… One client hasn’t yet given me the go ahead to fix the Missing Unique Product Identifiers for the google merchant feed after months of suggesting … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics, Google base, google tips | 14 Comments

Google shopping now in many countries

TweetGoogle today have launch it’s famous shopping engine to many countries around the world. Before today 3 May 2011 google shopping feed only would work in the UK , Germany and USA. This is a massive change and I’m not … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base | 11 Comments

‘Crash Course’ in local SEO

TweetSorry about the pun.. Anyway I was doing to catching up on the php template engine called Smarty just and clicked on the “crash course” link as it does what it say on the tin.. The thing is I’m so … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google Adwords, Google base, google maps, google tips, internet trends | 2 Comments

google shopping geo out on mobiles

TweetSo last night I was surfing around on the Iphone looking for a new SLR digi camera. I went to google shopping (base) to have a looky… So what was wrong? I was on and the prices all came … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, Google Mobile, UK | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Went to google today :)

TweetI got invited last week to attend a meeting regarding the usability of google base. So today I popped down to google’s London office to have a look around and “Attempt” to discuss my problems with base and froogle alike.. … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, Misc | Leave a comment

Happy 1st birthday google base!

Tweet Google base has reach the age of…. 1  From google base blog.. what happened in the year.. Nice to see the uk mentioned as always 😉 – The Google Base API that enables users to query items in … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, Misc | Leave a comment