Category Archives: google products

Goodbye google shopping

TweetAll good things have to come to end 🙁 Google shopping will no longer be free in the UK and other countries just like in the USA last year… We all knew this was coming but was hoping the free listing … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google base, google products, UK | Leave a comment

The end of adsense Referrals

Tweetgoogle are ending adsense Referrals 🙁 I did ok with them but hey good things can come to a end.. Thank you for participating in the AdSense Referrals program. We’re writing to let you know that we will be retiring … Continue reading

Posted in Adsense, google, google products, Google referrals 2.0, UK, UK N/A :( | Leave a comment

Google product Referrals are in Bad order!

TweetOk… I’m not to mad so far on playing with the google referrals 2.0 “as yet”.. Two things really bugs me! One odd theme of ads coming up for my “keyword” like domain names ? RANT HERE: Two is … Continue reading

Posted in Adsense, google, google products | Leave a comment

google’s froogle/products is down (the uploader)

TweetToday I went to update my froogle / base whatever you want to call it.. and guess what 🙁 yep its down for maintenance.. Â I only go in once a month or so.. Â SYSTEM ALERT: 6:00 PM: Our … Continue reading

Posted in google, google products, Misc | Leave a comment

Google products in the serps AHHH!

TweetWhats an affiliate ment to do now! See here  Another close up  Really not that happy about this.. Hope that google sort out the robots.txt hmmm Â

Posted in google, google products | Leave a comment