Category Archives: Google analytics

Google Analytics adds Social referral

Tweet Google does keep giving but it seems only when it comes to the social world and not the search engine world. This is the only real update from google since taking away(most) our keywords from analytic reports. So now you … Continue reading

Posted in Google analytics, Social Media | 2 Comments

The sexy “Visitors Flow” comes to Google Analytics

TweetStunning from google… Simply stunning.. Google have updated the new Analytics with visitors flow which a visualises the flow on your site.. Below is a little sample on one of my sites. The options are the same as all new … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Google Analytics visitor bug for single day view

TweetUsing google Analytics  “new” interface on a single day view I have a massive bug regarding “Visits” vs “Unique Visitors” I really can’t work out the numbers google is using?  Feel free to comment but this seems to be a “view … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Google Analytics reporting update

TweetI spend hours looking into site analytics, making on site changes and pointing links and testing, testing and more testing looking for impact and trends across loads of sites. I noticed today that on Friday 22nd July google changed things which has … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics, Google images | 23 Comments

Missing Unique Product Identifiers Effects on google shopping

TweetI love being an seo and I do love how different all my clients are… One client hasn’t yet given me the go ahead to fix the Missing Unique Product Identifiers for the google merchant feed after months of suggesting … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics, Google base, google tips | 14 Comments

google webmaster tools bug

Tweetbarry beat me to blogging this as I’m far to busy so credit to him for picking up on it. You can see his post here:Â When he wrote about it the screen grab he had didn’t show this … Continue reading

Posted in google, Google analytics, google sitemaps / webmaster tools | 2 Comments

Google analytics oddness ?

TweetA mate just IM’ed me to say “how can I get my analytics code, google keeps hanging”. He then got this message : Google Analytics reporting is currently undergoing maintenance and will be available shortly. Your site traffic is being … Continue reading

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