Google Analytics reporting update

I spend hours looking into site analytics, making on site changes and pointing links and testing, testing and more testing looking for impact and trends across loads of sites.

I noticed today that on Friday 22nd July google changed things which has effect the reporting in google Analytics. The impact in one case has had 523% change in traffic source.

The sample below show the difference from the reports of | /imgres AND

[click image to enlarge]

You can see the steep drop off of the referrals from /imgress and the mass upward trend of search referrals from google.

Just looking at referral from google you’d say wow someone has added a really powerful link and i’m ranking for everything under the sun but this is not the case when you compare with the referring charts.

So google images has either changed to now allow Analytics to reports the referral is if it from a search engine OR google Analytics has changed. In my opinion the trend line suggest its a change on google images end that’s been pushed out slowly over 3 days.

The site in question is image heavy with about 40% of all search traffic coming from image results so you can really see the effect.

So if you monitor Analytics and trend please take into account that the change happened on the 22nd July 2011 and completed on 23/24 July 2011.




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23 responses to “Google Analytics reporting update”

  1. The SEO Expert Avatar

    Great discovery gabs! Always annoyed before that they were grouped together, this should now provide more precise stats 🙂

    1. 3 in 1 Credit Report Avatar

      Really nice post I would like to thank writer

  2. The SEO Expert Avatar

    Great discovery gabs! Always annoyed before that they were grouped together, this should now provide more precise stats 🙂

    1.  Avatar

      cheer mate.. hope it helps some people out… 

  3. […] week Google appears to have made a significant change to how image search referrals are reported in Google […]

  4. directory submission Avatar

    Yep ! I noticed it. I hope some4 good effects come with it.

  5. Benjamin Coloto Avatar
    Benjamin Coloto

    I didnt see anything good that came with that change… 

  6. truck insurance Avatar

    It’s great to hear that they implemented this.  Now it’ll be easier to experiment with SEO strategies for Google Images.

  7. Derlierprossy Avatar

    GA is getting worse and worse to use – the data is becoming so
    unreliable that it’s nearly impossible for our company to use the data
    and draw relevant conclusions and business decisions. We were in the
    midst of a Multi-Variant Test set up via Custom Variables via GA, and
    all of a sudden the Visitor Count for the Control was cut in half and
    the Counts for the Other 2 Variations we are running nearly double from
    one day to the next.


  8. skin tag Avatar

    these analytics helped me a lot  to understand a lot about SEO. How the link building process is carried out is shown clearly in this graph.

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     Thanks a lot for your share brother, i till try to see my analitycs account to see this update like you told us… once more time thanks very much

  10. Akter Mituakter Mitu2 Avatar
    Akter Mituakter Mitu2

    Google Analytic s uses cookies to define user sessions, as well as to provide a number of key features in the Google Analytic s reports. Google Analytic s sets or updates cookies only to collect data required for the reports. Additionally, Google Analytic s uses only first-party cookies. This means that all cookies set by Google Analytic s for your domain send data only to the servers for your domain. This effectively makes Google Analytic s
    cookies the personal property of your website domain, and the data
    cannot be altered or retrieved by any service on another domain.

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  11. Jack White Avatar
    Jack White

    Google analytics’s new interface is really dashing. I just love the way it presented data.

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      Now google add google analytics premium, 160k $ a years… ! interrested? 😀

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  13. lblotusbong288 Avatar

    So google images has either denatured to now consent Analytics to reports the referral is if it from a explore engine OR google Analytics has varied. In my judgment the direction connection suggest its a transfer on google images end that’s been pushed out tardily over 3 days.

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  14. plus 1 buy Avatar

    Google Analytics
    allows for an extensive breakdown of traffic to your website. It allows us to
    view and analyze not only how many visitors see your site but also how they
    reached it.Smart written article.Thanks for sharing.

  15. Dacey Mathers Avatar

    Google Analytic s sets or updates cookies only to collect data required
    for the reports. Additionally, Google Analytic s uses only first-party
    cookies. This means that all cookies set by Google Analytic s for your
    domain send data only to the servers for your domain.

  16. Jhon Williams Avatar

    This may be set to old, now google analytics started rolling out an Real time feature. And these problems may be overcome after the real time features available to all. Anyhow thanks for sharing.

  17. casete de bijuterii Avatar

    very intereseting.. since we also got a lot of trafic from images we compared results for our site and you’re right: the mass upward trend of search referrals from google… but this is not bad, ha?!

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