Alexander Calder logo for Pi day

Me being in the uk is Pi day for me. I know its not for you guys out in the USA because you write dates the wrong way  around but today is Pi day here!

So what have google done, well nothing bar a very cool Alexander Calder logo/doodle..

Its Alexander Calder Birthday, well 113th famed artist for making sculptures with the mobile being the most famous.

So what my loose link to pi? well You can rotate the logo.. how cool is that.


How to rotate the Alexander Calder sculpture logo ?

Look out for the move cross arrows shown below and use the left button to rotate the 3 sections of the sculpture.







11 responses to “Alexander Calder logo for Pi day”

  1. Akter Mituakter Mitu2 Avatar
    Akter Mituakter Mitu2

    I can’t remember Google ever having a special “doodle” or logo for Pi Day, but that has changed today, March 14, 2010. If you visit today, you will see a special logo for Pi Day, which is celebrated by most on 3.14 – as you might understand.
    Here is a picture of the […]

    *** Read the full post by clicking on the headline above or, in Face book, by clicking on the “View Original Post” link below.


  2. Akter Mituakter Mitu2 Avatar
    Akter Mituakter Mitu2

    I can’t recollect Google e’er having a primary “doodle” or trademark for Pi Day, but that has denatured today, Marching 14, 2010. If you visit today, you present see a primary logo for Pi Day, which is glorious by most on 3.14 – as you might translate.Here is a interpret of the […]


  3. The SEO Expert Avatar

    This is one of my fave Google Doodle’s so far 🙂

  4. India Sports Avatar

    Read the full post by clicking on the headline above or, in Face book, by clicking on the “View Original Post” link below.

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  7. Khan Taseenkhan Taseen Avatar
    Khan Taseenkhan Taseen

    Calder was born on 22 July 1898 in Lawnton, Pennsylvania.He
    began his career making toys out of wood and wire in Paris before
    invented the mobile as a new method of sculpting: “by bending and
    twisting wire, he essentially ‘drew’ three-dimensional figures in
    space,” according to the biography on the Calder Foundation website.
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