google+1 blackout 5th and 6th July 2011

I’ve been watching the new google +1 metrics in google webmaster tools as added the button to one of my sites to test and see what the pros and cons are.

The button has had 20 +1 which isn’t to bad… Its not loads but hey it’s a new thing and the site in question goes out to the general public and not a  load of SEO’s or social media types 😉

As you can see on the 5th of July google dropped a load of the +1’s and on the 6th had a total blackout of +1’s

The funny thing is at last I’ve got data the the impact page for the 6th of July..

Ah well I’m sure the data will return soon..






16 responses to “google+1 blackout 5th and 6th July 2011”

  1. seo bangalore Avatar

    Very good article ,thanks for the update.

  2.  Avatar

    Its like Google is taking over the Technology Industry. A  Google Chrome book is on the way and now a Google plus Social Network, hmmm.. Can’t Imagine the future, Google is on the lead and no other Search engine is doing something about it, yahoo is out there somewhere… and have you heard about msn? ohhh boy, I hope they are doing something about it. Its just not good for one company to have all the leads, cause sooner or later they might abuse their power.


  3. web development bangalore Avatar

    Great article.Thanks for sharing it.

  4. Akter Mituakter Mitu2 Avatar
    Akter Mituakter Mitu2

    Its similar Google is attractive over the Application Business. A  Google Chrome volume is on the way and now a Google quality Sociable Cloth, hmmm.. Can’t Imagine the forthcoming, Google is on the timing and no another Investigate engine is doing something nigh it, yahoo is out there somewhere… and bed you heard virtually msn? ohhh boy, I outlook they are doing something roughly it.

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  5. The SEO Expert Avatar

    This is strange, has the data returned yet?

    1.  Avatar

      yes but keeps blacking out.. basically the reports isn’t working “yet”

      1. The SEO Expert Avatar

        Shame, but with most things there are teething problems, sure it won’t last long! Maybe some one at Google reads you’re blog Gabs – then they’ll get right on it 🙂

  6. inexpensivematernityclothes Avatar

    I am using Google+1 for article posting seo

    1. airbrushmakeup Avatar

      Yes, me too, i do +1 as much as i can toward each of my articles for seo brother like yours, and i think it is works great for google boot

  7. directory submission service Avatar

     Yeah ! I noted this funny things happened. I am just started to using Google+1.

  8. Dell Parts Avatar

    the data will return after 7 days i have tested and these funny thing already happened with me

  9. Akter Mituakter Mitu2 Avatar
    Akter Mituakter Mitu2

    I am debating blacking out the piping on my bow. It is all material now. I poverty a diametrical wait and I can’t afford to buy a new one appropriate now. I can notwithstanding paint same a mad man!! I suchlike the benefit of a black piping when labor a sightless and the limbs material for the pose. Recall, it is an sr. bow so its not equal I would be spraying a new Hoyt or Mathews. I would do a Satin bleak virtuous on the piping and leaving the limbs textile. I conscionable installed my NAP Athabasca stabilizer and tomorrow I am having the NAP Athabasca interruption with usable neon chromatic and disastrous piping


  10. Kellykhan Avatar

    Absolutely wonderful article. I wonder what will ever become of mankind. Seems like that quick and

    resourceful will outlive all of our smart people 🙂

  11. reggietbs Avatar

    strange to know how the google+ like works, may be they aren’t tracking it since they are still working on it.

  12. lblotusbong288 Avatar

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