Beyond the FOLD! Google instant

Google instant = the death of SEO

Google instant = time to give up

Google instant = what the f**k is google doing

Google instant = what about adwords

All the above are what most are moaning talking about… All the above doesn’t matter to much to me.. YES the way people search will change but not much..

When google suggest went live it was a revolution, it channelled people in directions.

On google’s side it helps users by “auto” completing the keyword with a suggestion speeding up searching for common things. Fine I like suggest BUT of course google pushes you in the direction that many others have gone in to find your query which then is pushed on to the adwords advertisers and seo’s alike.


Yep I have 1 major problem.. Its the one thing I hate about it… I thought ASK was a bit of a joke by filling the entire serp with ads with the organic listing below the fold.

Ask got a lot of stick for this.. I haven’t read much stick for google doing the same yet but here is my example of one thing I hate about google instant and who choice a user now has…

The screen shot below is what comes up when you type “mens c” into google with google instant enabled.

So what’s the problem.. Well you can’t even see the full #1 organic listing without scrolling/clicking/hitting enter.

This is massive in my opinion, with no REAL choice other than PPC ads the top 3 in the serps are no longer and the top spot isn’t even fully shown… This isn’t a one off term that triggers 3 ppc top ads and a spelling correction.

The organic serps are now beyond the fold with google instant! 🙁

Google instant beyond the fold

Google instant beyond the fold

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