Category: aol data

  • Portuguese-American in Florida

      This guys is having a bad bad time… The guardian on monday found out about some new aol id’s and jump to all sort of assumptions: Read more:,,1859785,00.html  Quote from the above article.. On April 4, for instance, user 14162375, the melancholy Portuguese-American in Florida, seems to have passed out on the…

  • Sacked.. ?

    As many of you out in seo land know that aol released some 20million search records with so much information about its users… I’ve been playing with this data for about a week now and loving the information its outputting  😉 Anyway.. The news yesterday stated that the guy(s) responsible for this have now…

  • Sex.. Is everyone searching for it..

    I can’t believe the amount of “sex” type keywords in this AOL data..  I know the business is big but omg not that big..  Why.. Well doing some research on my target markets i’d search the queries for the like of “men’s shoes”.. Then look into the users searches according to the ID…