Google ranking ideas..

seomoz google ranking factors fun 🙂

Lots of opinions..


Aaron Wall Andy Hagans Ani Kortikar Barry Schwartz Barry Welford Ben Pfeiffer Bill Slawski Caveman Chris Boggs Christine Churchill Danny Sullivan DazzlinDonna Debra Mastaler EGOL Elisabeth Osmeloski Eric Enge Eric Ward Guillaume Jeremy Schoemaker Jill Whalen Jonah Stein Joost de Valk Laura Lippay Lucas Ng (aka shor) Marcus Tandler Michael Gray Mike McDonald Natasha Robinson Neil Patel Rae Hoffman Rand Fishkin Russ Jones Ruud Hein Scottie Claiborne Thomas Bindl Todd Malicoat Wil Reynolds Will Critchlow

I’m loving DD content on dup content effecting ranking..

Content Very Similar or Duplicate of Existing Content in the IndexÂ


Worth a read but a many blogs suggest “take is with a pinch of salt” as always…

Click here for the full reports



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