google is now asking what we start our day off with ..
Well may day starts with a cup of tea and the news on the bbc…
After that a short bus ride and a short tube ride to my office..
Simple as that..
 So now google is offering the bit after all that.. The bit when I switch my laptop on and fireup my browser..
I’ve thought a lot about this challenge, and I’m excited to finally tell everyone about what I’ve been working on: a brand new feature of Google Apps for Your Domain called the “start page.” With this, organizations can provide a dynamic and unique-to-you central access point for essential information. Setting it up is quick and easy — much like setting up a Google Personalized Homepage — but with custom logos, colors and your organization’s own content, in addition to modules from our gadget library. Then each of your users can take your organization’s default page and change it up so it’s just right for them.
 More info :
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