Mindblown:) a seo blog

  • Alexander Calder logo for Pi day

    Me being in the uk is Pi day for me. I know its not for you guys out in the USA because you write dates the wrong way  around but today is Pi day here! So what have google done, well nothing bar a very cool Alexander Calder logo/doodle.. Its Alexander Calder Birthday, well 113th famed artist…

  • google+1 blackout 5th and 6th July 2011

    I’ve been watching the new google +1 metrics in google webmaster tools as added the button to one of my sites to test and see what the pros and cons are. The button has had 20 +1 which isn’t to bad… Its not loads but hey it’s a new thing and the site in question…

  • Missing Unique Product Identifiers Effects on google shopping

    I love being an seo and I do love how different all my clients are… One client hasn’t yet given me the go ahead to fix the Missing Unique Product Identifiers for the google merchant feed after months of suggesting it. Now what’s good about this (not for the client) is I can see the…

  • Follow up on missing from twitter search impacts

    On the 8th June (this month) some 13days ago I posted about Missing from twitter search and the potential impacts. I now have more data which proves my post so you can really see the difference being in and out makes. Here is the graph up to the point of being removed in which you can…

  • Search by image Search Google with an image instead of text.

    I’ve just spotted this when searching for no other than a “ray gun” of course 🙂 So brand new feature for me… google now allows you to search with an image. You have a choice of uploading OR a url.. google will match the image and suggest its “best guess” along with “visually similar images”…

  • Missing from twitter search – the impacts

    On the 8th April 2011 one of my twitter accounts got flagged and removed from twitter search and of course stopped feeding google. I had a pretty good idea about what had flagged it but twitter do not disclose the reason which is fair enough to stop spammers.. In my case I “think” is was…

  • Google bug for blocked URLs

    I run a large forum and had a “Defamation Complaint: UK” as a member had posted about how they felt they had been scammed. I’m not going to quote as don’t want to url removed for the search results but here is the gist.. Said member had paid for an ad in a publication which…

  • Google celebrate 76th Birthday of Roger Hargreaves Author of Mr men

    Today google are celebrating the birthday of one of the most famous authors in the world. Roger Hargreaves is the creator, author and illustrator of children’s books Mr Men and Little miss. Like me you probably grow up with the Mr Men book.. I have a lot of respect for Roger Hargreaves for such a simple…

  • Google shopping now in many countries

    Google today have launch it’s famous shopping engine to many countries around the world. Before today 3 May 2011 google shopping feed only would work in the UK , Germany and USA. This is a massive change and I’m not sure why it wasn’t done before?? Legal issues maybe ?? Anyway .. Google now allow…

  • Google Adwords UK support phone number

    I was just searching on good old google.co.uk and came across this ad for adwords: My first thought was it some seo company pretending to be google slipping under the URL radar and redirecting to some crappy site.. But no it is google UK!!! Google are now giving “support” to adwords users via phone.. Yes you…

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