Category: Google Adwords

  • New adsense ads CTR changes.

    On the 15th November 2007 google change the format of the adsense ads.. Loads of reports hit blogs and forum with people worried about the fact that clicks will go down! What changed? Well basically you can now only click on the title of the ad OR the url if its displayed… I think its…

  • £75 free adwords voucher with hsbc

    So I open my post today and at the bottom of my statment from my business account with hsbc I see the word “google”.. Basically if you have a business account with hsbc and not using internet banking then your entered in some prize draw to win £1k plus other prizes (I’ve never won so…

  • AdWords VAT Setting Changed – Potential Refund

    w00t.. I read the title of the email and thought bingo.. 🙂 But… I’m not sure… Being self employed in the uk are arn’t really a business as such and do not not a company ID or VAT number to own some £££’s … Anyway, most things for self employeed are set up as for…

  • Bored of reading adwords help document then why not chat to someone..

    Its been a long day.. You log into your adwords account.. Your feeling a little alone in the would… NOW google has a answer… Yep “Ask a Specialist via Chat ” I’m not sure how “helpful” the specialist is at finding you a pub, restaurant or a lady for the night but helping with adwords…

  • Cold calling/email SEO companies most cost potential customers Millions

    Ever had that phone call from a seo company the goes like this: We can reduce your adwords expenditure by 40% Now these calls are kind of fun as my clients just redirect and online marketing calls to me. The one problem I have with this is the fact that to know that I use…

  • Google’s Anti Arbitrage (A Theory)

    Ok… This is a theory but seem to make sense… Next month I’m going to reverse the logical and see but first let me explain the theory… I set up a site for my girl friend of which she loves… The site has been growing which is great… It’s a bit of a fun site…

  • Word from the US, ebay returns to adwords

    Last week we had a massive buzz about ebay pulling its ads from google adwords.. Well it would seem that the ads are back on.. Of course not all webmaster/marketers are happy with them being back as the number of ad space take is massive.. Many reports say that the ads are back but not…

  • Security issue now fixed on google optimisation proposal reports!

    Monday here again, Well last week I was forwarded a google optimisation report.. Now this is a report manual created by your adwords report with ideas and suggestions for your account to improve targetting your ads.. So being interested in what be G had to say about one of my clients accounts I click on…

  • Essay writing adverts!

    google has banned those “buy essay” ads from adwords.. Â So no more cheating at uni or high school 😉 Â The advert ban from the Google search engine has been “warmly welcomed” by university authorities. But it has angered essay writing firms which say this will unfairly punish legitimate businesses. Â Â From next…

  • Google search with no ads

    Interesting spot by a member on dp forum of a url on google that returns serps with no ads..  Simple as that !  No ad blocker need.. More info here